On every single
post on my blog you guys always comment and say
how flawless and clear my skin is. Today I thought I’d share with you
the way I manage to clear our my skin and maintain it.
1. Drink lots of water
First of I drink lots of water. Whenever I
go out I try my best to drink lots of water. Drinking 2 liters of water a day
helps to hydrate your body and also plums up your skin. Sometimes I found water boring so I'd add fruits insider just to add more flavor.

2. Drink Green tea
Now from not drinking water it’s definitely
green tea. Green is high antioxiate which means it reduces the signs of aging .
I t also flushes out the toxins in the body and improves your skins elasticity.It's hard to remember to drink green tea so I usually drink it before and after dinner.

3. Reducing stress
Another big factor that helped clear out my
skin was reducing stress levels. A couple of years ago I felt like I was a
completely different person. I use to
stress out about money, family, friends about relationships and about my
career. Those things stressed me out so much that my skin broke out. After I
decided to change my mindset and follow my goals and do what made me
happy. I found that my skin cleared up.

4. Exercise/ outings
I also found that getting outdoor and
excercising daily helped me reduce
stress. Three times a week I try my best to attend the gym which could either
be going to yoga classes or training myself. If you find it hard to work out alone I'd advice going running or a walk with a friend.

5. Mask Weekly
Apart from my cleansing routine I also
apply a mask weekly from the Tea tree. I've noticed that has made my skin soft and smooth. It has reduced my face from being oily throughout the day.

6. Sleep at least 8 hours
Finally I noticed that my
skin got clearer once I got enough sleep. Getting from 7-9 hours a sleep helps
to brighten your eyes, better your complexion and it also helps to restore your
collagen and elastin.
I hope you found this post helpful. If you want to see more post like this please let me know xo
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